Care and Clearness

Committee for Care and Clearness: Updated January , 2021

The Committee for Care and Clearness provides or arranges for pastoral care, from counsel to material aid.  It also has oversight of weddings, memorial services, membership, and clearness committees. Meetings are confidential.


  1. The Committee reports annually to the Meeting at its May Meeting for Business.
  2. The Committee administers a fund of money which is to be used to help Charlottesville Friends needing financial help. Additional funding can be requested from the Meeting.
  3. The Committee welcomes Friends’ requests for help of any sort, including clearness on issues being faced. Clearness or support committees, including other Friends, may be appointed for this purpose.
  4. In partnership with the person who maintains the Meeting’s address list, the Committee monitors the Meeting’s mailing and membership lists, contacting Friends appearing to need help or having lost touch with the Meeting, especially those Friends who may be feeling isolated or depressed.
  5. The Committee, in partnership with others, nurtures contact among Friends in the Meeting, fostering neighborhood or interest-relating groupings as well as Meeting-wide connections during the pandemic.

As the Committee’s proceedings must be kept in confidence to warrant trust, its minutes and Committee records are not available to others.